I found out at 37 years old I was pregnant with my third child! Totally unexpected and not planned. It took 2 years on clomid and calculated ovulations and sex times to conceive my other 2 times. I have pcos and they put me on progesterone and encouraged me to use other birth control. After talking with my husband he said, "Its ok we will risk it!" So how could I get pregnant at this age. Doesn't fertility decrease with age? Needless to say after my husband quit saying "I'll never be able to retire!" we were both extatic and felt so blessed that God would untrust us with this blessing and chance. We have an 11 and 8 year old that are equally thrilled. Anyway, I didn't breastfeed with either of them due to c-sections and antidepressant meds that I was afraid would affect them. My first a boy had allergies and asthma with rsv at 3 months pneumonia starting at 6 months, 12,18,24 and 36. Terrible breathing problems. He was also 11 pounds at birth and I was under the impression that he would kill me if I tried to breastfeed. My daughter came along 2 1/2 years later and I so wanted to try to breastfeed. I meet with a lactation consultant and was thinking we were a go. My husband couldn't get over the fact that some thing would be latching on to me like that. I told him it's not sexual, it's natural but he said it bothered him. I also told him I would need help in the hospital and maybe a few weeks since I would be having a repeat cessarean. He was not cool with at at all so I relented and decided to bottle feed. Looking back what is funny is he never feed her anyway. I gave her every bottle and got up with her so if I could have had help in the beginning I think we would have been fine. Her breathing was great but she had reflux and chronic ear infections. Fast forward to now. 38 years old and blessed with another son in January 2012. I have had all kinds of emotions but something that comes out is this is the third time, your unexpected chance to do things like you wanted. Now my husband is 40 years old and must be wiser. Haha! He has been supportive since I told him this is what I want to do and we can make it work together. He hasn't said a negative thing about breastfeeding. My mother has promised me that if he can't help the first few days in the hospital she will and we will have nurses to help too. I truly believe that God gave me this baby for many reasons and I want to do what is best for him. So hopefully the third times a charm for me!!!!!!
Love your website. It has inspired me greatly thus far!!!!