by Kim Graham
(Walkerton, In. USA)
My story starts with my 2nd child. I didn't want to breastfeed my 1st daughter because I thought it's gross, no one told me, you name it, I fought it. After my 2nd daughter was born, I still did that "lovely formula thing". When she was about 3 months old, I noticed I still had milk and through maybe I can do this nursing thing. I contacted a LC and a got a hospital pump and we nursed and pumped. My 2nd daughter wanted nothing to do with that weird shaped bottle (the breast), so after torturing her for about a month, I quit trying. My husband and I decided, next baby. Well, I became pregant with our first son. Yay!! I get to nurse! When I was 36 weeks pregnant, I found out that he was no longer alive. I had lost him and after the delivery, which was hard enough, about 3 days later, my milk came in. I was devastated! I so wanted to breastfeed and having he milk there put a reality on his death. I was even more heartbroken! A few months later, I became pregnant with my 4th baby. I'm going to breastfeed! I read everything I could, talked to nurses, LC and anyone I could get information from. My daughter was born and I was breastfeeding!! I got home and started to get nervous, can I do this? Well, we switched back and forth from bottles to breast, not kowing that there is such a thing as preferring one over the other. We did this for about 3 months and she really wasn't getting what she needed from me. I decided to stop breastfeeding and give in to the bottle. Another failure. I thought, ok, if God blesses us with another baby, no bottles, no pacifiers, nothing. Lo and behold, baby #5. Good birth, good breastfeeding baby. We got home, no bottles there! I gave the formula to the hospital, I didn't even want the free samples in my home! They kept the pacifiers; the baby had me, that's all. We did it!! Of course, we had our share of bumps in the road, but have never regretted it!! I now have a total of 8 babies and I am at this moment, breastfeeding my 8th boy, who is now 18 months! Over the years of breastfeeding, I have also researched formula and the miracle of breastmilk and I am convinced, there is no contest between breastfeeding and formula feeding! I am pro-breastfeeding and everyone knows it. I have helped numerous women because of my breastfeeding testimony. All my nursing babies have self weaned around the ages of 2 and 2 1/2 and I enjoy every moment of it!