5 month old reverse cycling

by Catie
(Atlanta, GA)

My EBF 5 month old has recently gone from sleeping 5-6 hours at night to now waking and nursing every 3 hours at night. I've been back to work for 2 months now and I onlt work 2 days a week. When I'm at work, he is cared for by a nanny who feeds him my pumped milk. I have noticed him being more distracted when I nurse him during the day so I've been trying to increase his daytime intake, but he is still wanting to nurse every 3 hours at night! I also try to cluster feed him in the evenings and top him off before I go to bed at night. Any suggestions?
Answer from the lactation consultant
I wish I had a clear cut answer for you but I do not. It could be several things, a growth spurt or simply he wants to reconnect with you. If it bothers you to feed every 3 at night, then do not offer him the breast at night. In other words ,allow dad to go to him and soothe him. If you go, he will not settle for anything other than the breast. If you co-sleep, this is more of a challenge. All that being said, it will NOT last forever, eventually he will start sleeping long stretches again on his own maybe next week, next month or next year. There is no way to tell. Sorry I cant be more help. Hang in there.
Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC

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