The first step to good breastfeeding positions and latch and is getting mommy ready FIRST.
Yes, we tend to forget about ourselves and totally focus on the baby, but getting yourself in a good position is imperative.
So, the first step in positioning for breastfeeding is positioning mom correctly.
Make sure mom:
Has Good posture Sitting upright or lying on side
Is Comfortable - starting out uncomfortable is not good
Well-supported with pillows (pillows are usually more manageable than a nursing pillow in the first 24 hours)
Lap flat or slightly elevated
Cups breast with fingers OFF areola
Using a nursing pillow can be helpful but is not mandatory. I used one the first few weeks only.
Learn more about nursing pillows here.
What is the old saying, "a picture is worth a 1000 words". Well in this case, I could type until my hands fall off explaining how
to position and latching your baby on but what works better? Seeing it.
So here are some helpful video links .
Now we look at baby
Tummy to tummy
Chest to breast
Ear, shoulder, & hip aligned
At breast level, nipple to nose
Body slightly flexed with head relaxed slightly backwards (drinking position)
Body supported on pillows and by mother
Mother supports infant’s neck, base of head, shoulder girdle
Now another video to reinforce this:
As shown in the video the most used breastfeeding positions are: side lying (my favorite by far), cradle hold, cross cradle hold and the football hold. Gaining popularity (lol) is the biological nursing position where the mom leans back and baby lies on her tummy to nurse parallel with her body.
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