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Lactation Without PregnancyIs lactation without pregnancy possible? Yes, how you ask?Two ways: galactorrhea and induced lactation. GalactorrheaGalactorrhea one way and is defined as “milky discharge” from the breasts. This can occur in response to many things. I will name a few: menopause, excessive nipple stimulation, hormone replacement, medications such as tagament/ antipsychotics/opiates/methyldopa , pituitary problems and a few other causes. If you have recurrence of milky discharge from your nipples, an exam by a physician is in order. Induced LactationInduced Lactation is the process by which a woman follows a protocol to make breast milk. Often adoptive moms induce lactation to provide breast milk for their children. All you need is at least one functioning breast with mammary tissue. Even a woman past menopause can induce breastmilk supply. How does induced lactation work? No, you don’t just start pumping with a breast pump. It is a bit more complicated than that.There are actually several different protocols. If you wish to obtain the most milk production, the protocol of choice involves hormone replacement (to trick your pituitary into thinking its pregnant), the use of galactogogues (milk stimulating herbs or pharmaceuticals) and the use of a double electric breastpump. This protocol takes an average of 4-6 months to achieve full breastmilk production. Less intense protocols are available for women who have recently delivered a baby and are wanting to RElactate or increase breastmilk production.To view the Goldfarb-Newman protocols for induced lactation click here. Quite frequently, when milk supply is induced, it is not adequate for all the babies feeds. Once you induce lactation, it is important to calculate your supply and supplement accordingly. You can supplement the baby at the breast using a breastmilk supplementer like this one. Lastly, it is VERY important to work closely with a qualified lactation consultant during this process. A lactation consultant is an expert in breastfeeding and will be glad to help you.
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