Breastfeeding Problems
Don't want to surf the internet to find the answer to your breastfeeding problems? I understand. I am here to answer the breastfeeding faq (frequently asked questions).
Although, reading books, watching videos and attending prenatal classes can prevent many issues and questions,
Sometimes you just need a quick attack question and answer page to get you back on track.
These are the most common questions I encounter in my lactation practice. Simply click on the question and you will be directed to the answer.
Or if you prefer to order a book to read that will answer all of your questions, this is my fave (Dr.Jack Newman ROCKS):
Looking for a local lactation consultant? Go to this neat website to find one:
DRMOZ lactation directory
How do I know if I am making enough milk?
Answers the age old question about milk supply
My baby is refusing the breast, what do I do?
Nursing strike? Illness? or other, this article will help you figure out why your nursling does not want to nurse.
Can I put my breastfed baby on a schedule?
Parent led feeding schedules discussed in detail in this article
What ointment can I put on my injured nipples?
Lanolin? Motherlove? Olive oil? Coconut oil? Answers in this article.
When can I introduce a bottle?
When and what kind of bottle discussed in this article.
Can I pump and give expressed breastmilk in a bottle?
What to let daddy give a bottle so you can sleep at night or maybe you want to just introduce a bottle for feeding expressed breastmilk, this article will help.
Can Daddy give a bottle at night so I can sleep?
Short answer NO, long answer, read the article.
How can I increase my milk supply?
Tips and techniques to increase breast milk volume.
I am pregnant, do I need to stop nursing my baby?
Common myths debunked in this article.
How do I prevent breastmilk leakage?
Really helpful tips to prevent the WET SHIRT.
How do I wean my child from the breast?
Tips and techniques on weaning your nursling. No judgement, just help.
Can I breastfeed my child in public?
Short answer: You betcha. Long answer including laws that protect you included in this article.
Is the HCG diet safe while breastfeeding
This article answers questions about the HCG diets related to breastfeeding
Think your baby might be Tongue Tied?
Tight frenulums can cause a world of hurt (literally) to a breastfeeding mom. This article has tips to make it better.
What about lactation without pregnancy?
Although rare, it can happen. This article discusses.
Pump and Dump while breastfeeding
Have you been given advice to pump and dump? Read this article first.
Is your baby constipated?
Nothing worse than a baby who needs to poop. This article gives you tips to relieve the discomfort.
click here for more FAQ's
If you do not find the answer you are looking to your breastfeeding problems ,simply browse through my other web topics, surely in the 600+ pages,you will find your answer. And if not, you can always submit a question through the ASK ME A QUESTION form.
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