24 to 72 hours after birth

24 to 72 hours:Hopefully your baby is over the sleepy hump. The first suggestion for these days is to have your baby room in with you if possible.

In other words, have your baby in the room with you at all times unless he/she needs to go to the nursery for an exam or a procedure.

This will allow you to feed on demand better and reduce the likelihood of "accidental formula feedings".

For these days, the babies usually are so "good". They eat, sleep, dirty the diaper and repeat. Very little fussing.

Key points to remember:

  • You should be feeding your baby every 2-3 hours or 8-12 times per twentyfour hour period.
  • Breastfeeding should NOT be painful, if it is, ask for help.
  • Babies should be self rousing (waking on their own) for feeds
  • Practice Every breastfeeding position while you have help from the staff
  • Feed on both breasts for 10-30 minutes each or until baby falls asleep
  • Offer frequent skin to skin contact.
Your breast milk colostrum is all the baby needs right now. Sometime between day 2-7 your "milk" will come in. This is dependent on many thing: the kind of labor/delivery you had, pain, blood loss, illness, babies feeding pattern and other things. No worries you will never run out of colostrum, just keep on nursing till it happens. So your milk is in, now what? Want more breastfeeding answers?

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