A toddler's take on breastfeeding

by Rachel
(Hanover Twp,PA,USA)

I am not the type of person to be concerned with privacy. My theory is if I am in my house, it is your problem what you see. When my youngest daughter was born, there was only one chair in my house that I was comfortable sitting in and it was right in the middle of the living room. So that is exactly where I breastfed. If there were men at my house I would use a cover but I would still sit right there. One day while my both my husband's and my families were visiting, I was sitting there breastfeeding and my toddler decided to let everyone know her version of what I was doing! She specifically said, "the baby is drinking her boobie." Then she proceeded to make suckling sounds. I felt the heat rush to my face right then, and even though it was embarrassing I couldn't help but laugh. I am so thankful that we have laid back families.

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