Baby seems hungry

Hi Liz-

Claire is 3 days old and i have the feeling that my colostrum isn't filling her up. I'm up to almost 30 minutes on each breast and she still doesnt seem full. In fact, i think i heard her stomach growling ;(

Should i supplement some similac until my milk comes in (along with my colostrum)?

Thank you,

answer from the lactation consultant
You did not leave your email address or I would have answered you privately.

Also, You did not say if you had a vag or c-section delivery. Is she feeding more frequently than every 1.5 hours?
I would not suggest supplementing with formula UNLESS your baby is having less than 5 soiled diapers in 24 hours. (wet and/or dirty)
If your baby is having at least 5 diaper changes, then supplementing now could completely sabatage breastfeeding. You are likely on the verge of your milk coming in. Her nursing long and frequently will only help your milk to come in faster, if you supplement: the demand will decrease and it will take longer to come in.

If you want to discuss this further, I can do a phone consultation for $15.
Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC

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