Breast feeding in parking lots

by Karolyn
(longwood fl)

My story is about nursing in the car in the parking lot of a store,I was shopping with my husband at walmart my daughter awoke and was hungry, so i went to the car to feed her. it was night time around 930ish and Im in the front seat my windows are pretty tinted so you can basically just see shadow.(except the front glass of course)I'm nursing my 1mth old daughter first person to walk passed my car is this guy who stares into my car walking very slowly smiling the whole time. I say a least it started off pretty weird, 2nd person pulled up next to me there passenger went into walmart driver was looking around realized someone was in the car he parked next to and started the bob and weave trying to figure out what i was doing once driver figured it out they turned head and began to glance over every few sec. 3rd and 4th was a couple who came to take a shipping cart that was next to my car they I'm guessing didn't see me sitting there all they saw in the dark with dim street lights shining at it was just infant head...the couple then began to try to get a better look into my car by walkin in front of my car to see through the front glass first the male figured out what he was looking at and turned away in shame of peaking the way he did but his wife?/gf? stared till im guessing he told her to stop looking and she went on to say "awwwwwwww o oops do you think she saw us"...he replyed na im sure shes was asleep... i guessing once the guy parked next to me saw them do that he rolled up his window and stoped glancing over...hmmm parking lots are fun.

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