There are a few questions I always ask moms when they tell me they have no milk. First, I assess whether or not the baby seemsto be getting milk. (this involves a physical assessment so yes, you do need professional help) Do you hear them swallow? Are they wetting and or soiling their diaper at least 6 times per day? If you answered yes to all the questions and the baby passed my physical exam there is probably enough milk. If you answered no to any there could be a problem with milk production. If you think there is a problem, Next I ask 4 MORE questions about making enough milk:
1. Are you emptying your breasts at least every 3-4 hours during the entire 24 hours per day? This is important; your body will only refill what is used. It is a simple Demand=Supply system.
If you do not empty when your baby misses a feeding your milk supply will dwindle. It is imperative that you empty by pumping or manual expression if you are supplementing with a bottle. This means no sleeping through the night without emptying during the first few weeks AND you must pump every 3-4 hours while at work if you want to make the milk. If you don’t your body will automatically produce less milk. You did not demand/empty it so it will NOt make it. Even if this means pumping at 3am. I would rather pump at 3 am then have too little milk and have a fussy baby. It can take days to restore your milk supply if diminished. Trust me, I made this mistake. I was working and did not make time to pump, and the next day was miserable for myself and my daughter.
2. Are you drinking enough water? Enough is more than you think, it is recommended to drink 10-12 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Coffee and cold drinks DO NOT count. In fact, for every carbonated or caffeinated drink you are supposed to flush with 8 ounces of water to maintain hydration. So drink, drink and drink some more. Studies have also shown that drinking adequate amounts of water can help relieve symptoms of exhaustion.
3. Are you getting sleep? I will not even say enough sleep. That is a joke. As I said in previous chapters, sleep when the baby sleeps. When you are exhausted, your body goes on survival mode and milk production is not on the survival list.
4. Are you taking a prenatal vitamin? This is a must, the entire time you breastfeed. The baby will deplete all your resources.You will feel horrible and your milk supply can dwindle if you neglect to take your vitamins everyday. Because believe me, it can be a challenge to eat a well balanced diet,especially the first few weeks. And you still need the nutrients.
So if you answered yes to each and every one of the above questions, and you are still having trouble.... You need professional help.
A professional might consider the use of a galactogogue like one of these: Call your doctor or lactation consultant for assistance in this matter.
Find a local lactation consultant
You can weigh your baby before and after a feeding to see exactly how much your baby is taking in. Most doctors offices will do this as a courtesy. Some will charge you for this service however, and all require you to call first.
Watch for dehydration in your baby if you are concerned about your making enough milk. Symptoms can be dry mouth (run your fingers across their gum line, it should be moist, not sticky), monitor wet diapers remember at least 6 wet and/or dirty in 24 hours, arousability: your baby should awaken easily to nurse at least every 3 hours as a newborn. If any of these symptoms occur contact your pediatrician immediately or go to your nearest emergency room. Babies can become dehydrated quickly, so do not wait hours for a call back from your doctor. Follow your instincts if you feel something is wrong, go to the doctor, it is always better to ere on the side of caution.
Want to schedule a class, rent/buy a breastpump in the DFW area or schedule a lactation visit? Email me
by using the contact me form
or call me at 817-380-5929