HCG Diet Plan

Is the HCG diet plan safe while breastfeeding?Short answer: no.

Long answer:This method is considered 2010's new fad diet. It is based on the Simeon Protocols. Dr ATW Simeon developed these protocols in the early 1950's and used them with great success in Rome during his practice. Recently, they have been rediscovered after journalist Kevin Trudeau wrote the book "The Weight Loss Cures ´They´ Don´t Want You to Know About."


The reason I do not recommend this diet has to do with the 500 calorie per day restriction while on the protocol. This is not a suitable calorie requirement for a lactating mother, it simply does not provide enough "energy" for producing good milk supply OR maintaining health during lactation.

What is the hcg diet? It is a method of using synthetic HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin or human chorionic gonadotrophin), a naturally occurring hormone during pregnancy. It is said that by adding this hormone and reducing your caloric intake, your body will burn and use stored fat, thus providing extreme weight loss in a short time.

This method is hormone based and so is milk production, so there will likely be effects of altering normal hormone function. There are much safer ways to lose the pregnancy weight than this.

I found an ebook written to help you maintain a healthy weight during and after pregnancy. To read more: Click Here!

Other safe breastfeeding weight loss alternatives would be either weight watchers or Jenny Craig, they both have breastfeeding plans. Or the old fashioned way, eat in moderation and do some light exercise.

I also LOVE the new exercise programs tailored just for mommies like Stroller Strides.

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Breastfeeding and dieting  Not rated yet
I know u have answered questions about the Hcg diet and breastfeeding and I know u don't recommend it but I was wondering what your opinion is with my ...

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