My pulpit for breastfeeding

by Rachael
(Monroe, NC, USA)

I have 3 children and am pregnant with my 4th. I have only breastfed in the past and will only breastfeed my coming baby. Mothers milk is the natural perfect milk for a baby to digest. I have lots of friends who use formula and have problems with their babies having allergies and all sorts of reactions. I think it is all tied to formula. I think as a mother it is my job to educate others on the benefits of breast feeding and how formula can't match it. So I continually tell all my moms at my mom's group the encouraging stories of how all 3 of my children have amazing immune systems and are almost never at the doctor. I corellate it all to the beginning of a baby's life and giving them breast milk.

Many have listened and changed their minds about formula. I tell them, it is hard the first couple of weeks with sore nipples but after that it is a bond that is created and I wouldn't change it for the world. Not to mention the nutrients and how your antibodies are passed to the baby to help them fight sickness. To those out there who are wondering if breastfeeding is worth it, the answer is yes! It is worth your baby getting the best in the 1st year of it's life.

I would love to try the lanolin and new tea to increase milk production.
Thank you for your wonderful offer of products.



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