Playtex Breastpump and Nuk Breastpump

by Liz

Please here me out on this one. I am a RN, IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant)I have witnessed moms using just about every pump on the market. And NOT ALL automatic breast PUMPS ARE CREATED EQUAL.

I will explain specifically why I do not like Nuk breastpump:
This pump SUCKS and sucking. For real, it is just simply a terrible air compressor, the suction strength does a poor job of emptying breastmilk from the breasts.

Now for the Playtex breastpump:
This pump is awful. I have seen mom after mom with nipple/areola injury from this pump. It sucks TOO HARD. Ouch and I will never recommend it. It's pricepoint makes it very tempting to moms but what is the old saying, "you get what you pay for" this is especially true with breastpumps.

Why on earth to companies, who primary focus is making bottles, even venture into breastpumps? Money that is why. They are obviously not interested in making a decent product, in my opinion.

These are my observations/opinions and I share them because I don't want you to waste your money and risk injury.

I only recommend 3 brands: Medela, Ameda and Hygeia. Why? Because they work!

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