Sex and Libido
Sex and libido: a favorite subject. Six weeks have passed since the birth of your child. Your body has gone through a massive transformation your hormones have been up and down and up and down. And you are now feeding a baby every 2-3 hours around the clock. It is obvious that your libido or sex drive can be altered due to all these changes.For some, it is simply that you are too tired to be in the mood. But I bet your partner is in the mood! My husband had an internal stopclock counting down the seconds until we could have sex again. I was super tired and not so amourous. We came up with a plan: he would help me with household chores, dinner, ect so that I could catch an evening nap. Then I was more apt to accomodate his need.
On the flip side, some women actually have an increased libido after delivery. Good for you guys. Your libido can be increased, decreased or unchanged - it is all up to you and your body. I feel it is important to talk this over with your partner now. Just in case you have a libido decrease. An increase usually does not cause a problem but a decrease might. And it is best to give them a heads up so you can make a plan. Childbirth and breastfeeding can effect your bodies ability to self lubricate. Even if you have NEVER had this issue before, it can happen post partum (after delivery). It is wise to have lubricant on hand to avoid a painful first time after delivery. And remember, most physicians advise a 6 week pelvic rest, meaning NOTHING in the vaginal for 6 weeks to allow for proper healing. Also, having an orgasm, can cause your milk to let down. So you might want to wear a bra with your breastpads in place to avoid your partner getting a face full of milk. Lol. Please remember breastfeeding is NOT a contraceptive method.
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