What is a lactivist?

What is a lactivist?By Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC Published 12/09

A better question would be WHO is a lactivist?

A lactivist or lactation activist is any person who takes a stand for breastfeeding and breastfeeding rights. I am a lactivist, as is my husband, mother,my sister and my children too. I was so proud the day my then 4 year old asked "Mommy, how does that mommy get her booby juice intothat bottle?" when she observed someone bottle feeding. She automatically assumed every baby was receiving premium nutrition aka breastmilk.

Consider yourself a lactivist or breastfeeding advocate if you have ever stood up for yourself or any other breastfeeding mom. For me, I literally feel my face flush at the thought of someone being discriminated against for breastfeeding. Yes, I used the D word. It is absolute discriminationfor someone to ask a mother to cover up or go somewhere else to eat. If she was asked to do this based on race or religion it wouldno doubtedly be called discrimination. And we have rights to eat right? So do babies.

Most states have written laws protecting breastfeeding. There are only a handful of states in the US that do not have these protectivelaws.

There has been much discussion as breastfeeding has become more popular as to what is "proper" with breastfeeding. The opinions varygreatly and the opinions are voiced loudly by both sides. Some state that breastfeeding is a right that should be performed wheneverand wherever needed with no restrictions. Then we have another group of breastfeeding supporters who state that yes, you can breastfeedwhen ever and where ever but you need to be discreet and cover up. Both can be considered lactivist in their own way, both supports breastfeeding, each in their own opinionated way. There is no right or wrong way to support breastfeeding. What is the old saying?"To each their own"? And the proper way to breastfeed is to breastfeed your way. Societal rules, family or peer pressure or any other urgings should be ignored. Follow your instincts and breastfeed as you wish.

So proudly breastfeed your child whether 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. Call on your inner lactivist or find a friend who is one shouldthe need arise to defend your right to breastfeed your offspring. Say it loud, say it proud: Breast is Best!

Click here to see the breastfeeding laws written to protect you.

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