Toddler Biting

Ouch, a toddler biting while breastfeeding is no fun at all. I am extremely blessed, neither of my girls had teeth early. Emma was weaned before her first tooth came in and Abby was nearly 13 months old before she cut her first tooth and was old enough to know better. I told her "you bite momma and no more Na Na's (what she called the breasts)." She never bit me one time. But I have had lots of clients who have experienced biters.

One theme runs the same with most - the babies are either teething OR are ill with an infection like ears or thrush. So if your baby starts biting here are some tips:

  • Initial response when bitten: Immediately take child off the breast. Tell them firmly, "No biting" and do not offer the breast for at least 10 minutes.
  • During the10 minutes off the breast assess the baby for teething. If you feel mushy gums or if they look reddened and are tender when you push on them, consider offering an analgesic for pain (like tylenol or motrin but consult your pediatrician for dosages). Also offer a teething toy or wet washcloth for the baby to chew on.
  • If you cannot see signs of teething, consider having the baby evaluated to rule out illness.Offer the breast again, and repeat 10 minute break after biting occurs

I wish there was a quick fail safe remedy to stop a child from biting. Unfortunately, some babies just bite, some respond quickly to being redirected while others scream and bite again while yet others think it is funny and bite again.

If you wish to continue breastfeeding and have a biter on your hands, you may also consider using a nipple shield on a temporary basis. Consult a lactation consultant to obtain the proper size and to learn how to use it correctly.

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